Ella, Ruby, Alexa, and Kati love romance, love strong heroines, and love those oh-so-bad alpha heroes. We love stories that are hot, sexy, and dangerous. So when we got together to write this series, we only had one rule: to write the kind of romances that we love to read.
We also know how difficult it can be to carve out time for a full-length novel…and reading a book in parts isn’t always as satisfying. We began writing our series for the busy romance reader in mind. In each story, you’ll find scorching heat, wild emotion, and a romance that will have you turning the last page with a happy sigh.
To that end, the works within the series are primarily novellas — our intention is to provide readers with short (yet satisfying) MC romances. Sometimes we might continue one couple’s story over several novellas, but each individual novella will have a satisfying romantic resolution. Because they are short, we focus the stories on the eroticism and romance, and will be building the MC worlds as each series progresses.
We love to hear from readers! Please feel free to contact us at any time, or join our Facebook community, where we chat about what we’re reading and what’s coming up next.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Are you and Ella Goode the same person? Are you and Ruby Dixon the same person? Is Ruby also Alexa and Ella also Ruby?
A: No! We’re all different people (and Alexa Riley is two people!) I’m not sure how this rumor got started or why so many sites list as the same author with different pen names, but we are not the same author/people. There’s Kati, Ella, Ruby, and Alexa (who are Mel and Lea.)
Q: Then why is Ruby’s email ruby@katiwilde.com? Why do you have the same newsletter?
A: Because we all started out writing the Motorcycle Clubs line (and nothing else) and this katiwilde.com site was the hub for all of the information about that series. At that time, neither Ruby nor Ella had their own sites, so I also gave them individual emails here, too (Alexa joined the Clubs later, and she always had her own site and email). It was also just easier to create one newsletter for the entire Motorcycle Club list than separate newsletters, and that account opened under my name.
As time went on, we each began branching out from the Motorcycle Clubs to write other types of books. Now we separate the newsletter into groups by individual authors (readers can choose which authors they want to hear from, so a fan of Ruby’s doesn’t necessarily get Kati’s newsletter, unless they’ve also signed up for that) but it’s still all the same list, and is why Ruby might send out a newsletter with Kati Wilde listed as the list owner in the footer.
PLEASE CONTACT ME or anyone here at 1theclub1@gmail.com if you have any questions about whether we’re the same people. Far too often, I’ve seen people just repeat and spread rumors, when a simple solution is just to ask us! So if you have questions about this, please ask!
Contact us!
We’re always happy to hear from reviewers and readers. You can email us individually through the sites listed below, or send a general email to 1theclub1@gmail.com and it will reach all of us.
About Kati
Kati Wilde is a tight-lipped, loose-hipped woman of indeterminate age and low breeding. Born into a very large family, she now has a very small family (no laws were broken in this transition), and she writes romantic fiction to assuage her darker urge to write Transformers erotica. She lives in Oregon, so most of you are safely far enough away, and has two old cats.
Kati writes the Hellfire Riders MC romance series (and you can find her other work at this site!)
About Alexa
USA Today & #1 Amazon Best Selling author Alexa Riley is two sassy friends who got together and wrote some dirty books. They are both married moms of two who love football, donuts, and obsessed book heroes. They specialize in insta-love, over-the-top, sweet, and cheesy love stories that don’t take all year to read. If you want something SAFE, short, and always with a happily ever after, then Alexa Riley is for you!
Alexa writes the Ghost Riders MC series (which is finished now, but you can still find her at alexariley.com!)
About Ruby
Ruby Dixon is the secret penname of a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author. As Ruby, she writes sexy barbarian aliens, grumpy shifters, and domineering bikers.
Ruby wrote the Bedlam Butchers MC series and you can also find her at rubydixon.com.
About Ella
Ella Goode wrote the Death Lords MC series. You can find more of her work at ellagoode.com.
We believe that every review is valuable, whether it’s positive or negative. We love reviewers and we love readers, and we will always support a reader’s right to express her opinion.
- If you sign up for our newsletter or to receive ARCs, we will never give your information away or use it in any way except for the purpose explicitly stated when you gave it to us.
- We will never ask you to suppress your opinion of our work. We will always respect every reader’s take on the content of our novellas, even if we disagree with the conclusions a reader has drawn. We will never oppose you in a public forum or ask you to reconsider your opinion. We will never ask any other readers to oppose your opinion.
- We will never dictate the form or tone of your review, the date you should post it, or the location you post it in. If you want to write a 5 word review or a 5,000 word review, we’ll never ask for more or less. If you use GIFs or bad words, we don’t care! We just hope you enjoy our work!
Our Motorcycle Clubs
Where Kati got started! Our individual motorcycle clubs share a literary world, but are each written by a different author. Ella Goode’s sexy Death Lords are hot as hell, Ruby Dixon scorches the page with the Bedlam Butchers, Alexa Riley’s Ghost Riders will have you flying through the pages, and Kati Wilde burns it up with the Hellfire Riders.