Neela’s Story
(daughter of Echo & Bane from EVIL TWIN)
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Saphine’s Story
(daughter of Jalisa & Aruk from PRETTY BRIDE)
The sentence where it all began
(The idea that nagged at Kati and became this series.)
Just beyond Ivermere’s city gate, a rumble of hoof beats came up behind them—the hunters, in their wolfskins. A tall, wiry woman with gray-streaked hair drew up beside Kael’s horse.
“Princess Anja,” she said.
Kael growled, and the hunter hastily amended it.
“Queen Anja.”
Her gaze wary, Anja leaned forward to regard the other woman. “Mistress.”
“We are riding ahead to make certain that no monsters breached the wards, so you will have safe passage through Scalewood.” The Mistress of the Hunt’s steady gaze didn’t waver as she added, “Would you like to ride with us again?”
Anja’s lips trembled before firming. “Not this day. Perhaps in the spring, however, you can journey to Grimhold, and we can speak about training hunters there. Scalewood does not hold the only dangers to our peoples, and the Four Kingdoms might need a Mistress of the Hunt.”
“I think it already has a fine candidate.” The woman grinned. “Queen Anja, who passed through the Scalewood unharmed. You will be a legend.”
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Arella’s Story
(daughter of Mara & Strax from THE MIDNIGHT BRIDE)
BOOKS 4 & 5

The Dead Lands Series
Although you don’t need to read the Dead Lands series to follow along with Daughters of the Hunt, you’ll find some familiar faces in these stories. The Midwinter Mail-Order Bride (along with the other books in the series) can be read as a prequel of sorts to the Daughters of the Hunt.
Some might call Princess Anja of Ivermere brave for offering herself up as a bride to Kael the Conqueror, a barbarian warlord who’d won his crown by the bloodied edge of his sword. It was not courage that drove Anja from her magic-wielding family’s enchanted palace, however, but a desperate attempt to secure a kingdom of her own—even if she has to kill the Conqueror to do it. She expects pain beneath his brutal touch as she awaits her chance. She expects death if he discovers the truth of her intentions.
She didn’t expect Kael to reject her and send her back to Ivermere.
Raised in the ashes of the Dead Lands, Kael fears nothing—certainly not the beautiful sorceress who arrives at his mountain stronghold. And no matter how painful his need for her, he has no use for a bride who would only tolerate his kiss. Yet the more of Anja’s secrets he uncovers during their journey to return her home, the more determined he becomes to win the princess’s wary heart.
And Kael the Conqueror has never been defeated…
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Just as with the Dead Lands series, you don’t need to read Evil Twin before reading the Daughters of the Hunt, but it can serve as a prequel if you want to read it that way!
But he was born four minutes too late. Though it was Bane who’d led armies to victory against the scourge of the undying, now he must watch as his undeserving twin claims yet another throne through marriage to a princess of a neighboring kingdom. A kingdom that Bane had saved.
That throne should be his. So he’ll take it.
All Bane must do is deceive his twin’s innocent bride. He’ll trick her into his bed, and once he’s planted his seed, the bride—and her kingdom—will be his. With such a prize in hand, he won’t care if she ever forgives him for his deception. It hardly matters if she does, because his evil plan doesn’t include falling in love.
But his bride has a few plans of her own…
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