I’m cancelling the SBB pre-order (but there shouldn’t be a significant delay)!
Hi all! If you pre-ordered Sheriff’s Bad Bear, you’ll probably be getting a notification from Amazon that it was cancelled.
That was me! Since I’m running up on a super-tight deadline due to my other job, I realized that when I did upload the book for the pre-order (which I have to do a couple of days before the release) that it was going to be a rushed thing and … well, frankly, after the nightmare that was Evil Twin’s release, I just don’t want to risk it. So better to just cancel the pre-order now and then release the book with a little more breathing room on this end.
What does that mean for you?
1) YOU WILL NOT BE CHARGED. Amazon doesn’t collect money for pre-orders until the day of release so you are in the clear.
2) The delay shouldn’t be significant. The intended release was August 31st, and I’m not going to promise it will be out on that day, but I’m still feeling pretty good about the first week or so of September (although I might wiggle around Labor Day, because that is notoriously a horrible release day, probably because a bunch of people are rushing around getting their kids into school instead of having time to read.) Obviously that didn’t happen. I don’t have a date yet but as soon as I release it, I’ll update everywhere, I promise.
3) That’s about it! If you want notification when it is released, make sure to sign up for my spam free newsletter, or click that handy-dandy follow button on my profile at Amazon.